Creating dataspaces


  1. Click the dataspace selection button in the left navigation bar and click Create Dataspace.

  2. On the New dataspace screen, enter a short code. This is a technical code sequence, for example, "inv-123", that will be used internally to identify the objects in the dataspace. It will also be included in the URL and in the dataspace selection button. It is therefore recommended that your short code is 7 characters or less.

    The short code cannot be changed after the dataspace is created. However, you can clone a dataspace into a new one to use a different short code.

  3. Specify the title of the dataspace. This is a searchable string that is displayed in the main dataspace list.

  4. Enter a description. This is a searchable string that is displayed when you hover your cursor over the dataspace list.

  5. Select an icon for the dataspace.

  6. Specify a color for the dataspace.

  7. Optional: In Clone from, select an existing dataspace from which to populate the newly-created dataspace. This clones of all the objects in the selected dataspace to the new one.

  8. Optional: In Shared with, enter a list of Siren Investigate ACL roles that are allowed access to this dataspace. You can select the access level for each role.

  9. After creation you will be redirected to the new dataspace.

Access levels

The user roles have different permissions related to dataspaces and the objects within them. The following table outlines these permissions.

Table 1. User role permissions

Dataspace object

Objects inside the dataspace

Content objects (dashboards, graphs, bookmarked searches)

All objects

User role




Create private










Change permissions


Private creator

Shared creator

Content manager

Data model manager

Dataspace manager

  • Read-only: Read-only access to all objects in the dataspace.

  • Private creator: Read-only access to all objects in the dataspace and the permission to create private dashboards, graphs, and bookmarked searches.

  • Shared creator: Read-only access to all objects in the dataspace with additional privileges to create and share dashboards, graphs, and bookmarked searches.

  • Content manager: Read-only access to all objects in the dataspace and also permits the creation, sharing, modification, and deletion of dashboards, graphs, and bookmarked searches.

  • Data model manager: Full read/write/delete access to all objects in the dataspace.

  • Dataspace manager: Full read/write/delete access to all objects in the dataspace and the permission to change and delete the dataspace itself.

Editing dataspaces

If you have read-write access, you can edit dataspace metadata and sharing permissions.

  1. Click the dataspace selection button in the left navigation bar.

  2. On the row of the dataspace you want to edit, click the ellipsis button under Actions.

  3. Click Edit. From this screen, you can change all of the properties, except the dataspace short code.

You can also edit the content of a dataspace. For example, you can create or modify any object or upload data from a CSV file.

Importing data into dataspaces

You import data from the Data model app, where you can use some advanced options to set how you share the data across dataspaces. For more information, see Importing data into dataspaces.