Adding nodes to a graph

Data is visualized as nodes on a graph. Newly created graphs are empty. You can add nodes to an open graph in a following ways.

Adding nodes from a dashboard

You can add nodes from dashboards by using the toolbar or the with the Dashboard sidebar.

Add nodes from the sidebar

  • From the Dashboard sidebar, drag a dashboard into the open graph browser pane.

  • Within the Dashboard sidebar, drag a dashboard or graph onto the graph browser. You do not need to open the graph browser.

Add nodes with the toolbar:

  1. Open the graph browser.

  2. From the toolbar, click the Add nodesFrom a dashboard.

  3. Select the dashboard that you want to add nodes from.

You can add nodes that are related to nodes on the graph browser. To do this:

  1. Select a node on the graph browser.

  2. From the toolbar, click Add nodesExpand by relation.

  3. Select the related nodes that you want to add.

For information about controlling how nodes are added by relation, see Controlling graph relations.