What’s new in Siren Platform 14.1

For a full list of improvements, fixes, and security enhancements, see the release notes.

Graph Browser

We added new features and tools to improve how you visualize data on the graph.

Display record fields as bullet points under a node: You can now display the node’s attributes on the graph to help you grasp key information about the nodes you’re investigating.

New editing tools for customizing labels and styles: You now have more flexibility to customize the appearance of individual nodes, edges, and groups within the graph. This enhancement enables you to tailor the visual representation of the data according to your preferences or specific requirements, enhancing clarity and readability.

Text boxes on the graph (Beta): Add text boxes directly within the Graph Browser interface. Text boxes can serve various purposes, such as providing additional context, annotations, or explanations related to the graph data, thereby enriching the overall visualization experience.

For more information, see Using the toolbar and Selecting graph tables.

Dynamic filters

Input masks: We’ve introduced input masks to make searching for data with different possible formats, such as telephone numbers, more intuitive for users.

UI improvements: We’ve made some small but helpful tweaks to the user interface, including the ability to reset all filters.

For more information, see Dynamic filters.

Bookmarked searches: You can now you save and share your searches with other users. This makes it easier to work on multiple investigations and to collaborate across teams.

Siren Search tabs: Have multiple searches open simultaneously within the Siren Search interface on different tabs. This streamlines the process of switching between different searches, enhancing efficiency and productivity.

For more information, see Siren Search.