What’s new in Siren Platform 14.4

For a full list of improvements, fixes, and security enhancements, see the release notes.

Graph Browser

The latest updates to the Graph Browser enhance graph customization and help you work between multiple graphs.

  • You can now copy and paste nodes, edges, and groups between graphs by using the new toolbar options. For more information, see Copying and pasting.

  • For improved graph customization, you now have the ability to select and style group edges.

Boost newer records in search results

You can now boost more recent records in search results. Configure one or more time periods in the data model and apply different levels of boost effect. Analysts can then choose to enable or disable the boost effect from the dynamic filters panel when they’re searching records. The time periods are applied based on the date field that’s configured as the Time filter. For more information, see Boosting by record recency.

Hide the global search input box

Administrators can now choose to hide the input box of the global search for specific users by configuring a UI rule for those ACL roles. For information about configuring ACL roles, see Defining an ACL role.