Release notes


New features

  • Added a new UI-ACL-context to allow administrators to hide the global search input box.

  • You can now boost newer records in search results. You can configure the boost by time period in the data model and enable and disable the boost in the dynamic filters panel. For more information, see Boosting by record recency.

Graph Browser

  • Added the ability to copy and paste nodes, edges, and groups between graphs. For more information, see Copying and pasting.

  • Added the ability to select and style group edges.


  • When cloning a dataspace, Sentinl watchers are no longer cloned by default.

  • The dynamic filters panel in Siren Search now opens by default at the start of each new session.

  • Introduced a new simple api/health endpoint to monitor Investigate process. For more information, see The Health API.

  • The headers of Data Model tabs with errors will now be highlighted.

  • In the Graph Browser the Expand by Relations modal will no longer appear if there are no available relations for the selected nodes.

Breaking changes

  • Investigate no longer supports upgrading or importing backups from versions earlier than 13.2.0. If you have Investigate data from versions earlier than this, please upgrade to 14.3.x before upgrading to 14.4.0 or later.

  • The createNotifier service has been removed. If you are a developer and wrote a custom plugin using that service, you must update your plugin to use the Notifier class instead. To do that, import the Notifier class:

    import { Notifier } from 'ui/notify/notifier';

    and use it in your code in the same way you used the createNotifier service:

    const notifier = new Notifier({
      location: 'Context'
  • The VisVisTypeProvider factory has been removed. If you are a developer and wrote a custom plugin using that function to access the VisType class, you must update your plugin to import the VisType class directly instead:

    import { VisType } from 'ui/vis/vis_type';
  • Signatures of following internal methods changed and now require a mandatory id parameter:

    SpyModesRegistryProvider.register(spy) -> SpyModesRegistryProvider.register(spy, id)
    VisTypesRegistryProvider.register(vis) -> VisTypesRegistryProvider.register(vis, id)
    SavedObjectRegistryProvider.register(obj) -> SavedObjectRegistryProvider.register(obj, id)
    RegistryFieldFormatsProvider.register(formatter) -> RegistryFieldFormatsProvider.register(formatter, id)
    savedObjectManagementRegistry.register(section) -> savedObjectManagementRegistry.register(section, id)
    ManagementSection.register(section) -> ManagementSection.register(section, id)

    Third-party plugins must release a compatible version if they use any of the above methods.

  • Jira Integration Update:

    1. Jira is now supported using the new jira.js plugin, which replaces the jira_connector.

    2. The following parameters are no longer supported:

      • jira_connector.strictSSL

      • jira_connector.rejectUnauthorized

      • jira_connector.basic_auth.base64

  • The logging for Investigate has been rewritten using the Pino library. While the human-readable output remains the same, the JSON output format has changed and may impact tools that process Investigate logs in JSON format.

  • Graph browser Text Box feature is no longer beta.

  • gForce layout for Graph Browser is now deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the sidebar global list failed to display the unsaved status of graphs after reloading the page.

  • Fixed an issue where dashboards were removed from their groups after Investigate was upgraded.

  • Fixed an issue where dataspaces could not be properly cloned when the source dataspace did not have metadata objects.

  • Fixed an issue where resetting dynamic filters did not clear error message for date ranges.

  • Fixed an issue where the "Topic Clustering" visualization showed the wrong count when a text was entered into the dashboard search bar.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented selection from the "Sort on" dropdown for top hit aggregation in the "Metric" visualization.

  • Fixed an issue where the Jira plugin failed to export when a record table on the dashboard had NLP tags.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented dynamic filters from being applied when there was a text filter using an input mask.

  • Fixed an issue where changes to the Graph Browser side panels state could not be saved.

Graph Browser

  • Fixed an issue where arrow keys would not work in the edit label text box.

  • Fixed an issue where aggregated relations configured with a metric could result in an invisible edge on the graph.

  • Fixed an issue where edge counts would throw an error for documents with more than 200 values in join fields for older federate versions.

  • Fixed an issue where, in certain situations, exporting to image would return a zero byte image. From now if the underlying hardware does not support the default resolution, a lower resolution image will be generated.

  • Fixed an issue where lenses would not be applied when going from the search app to a saved graph.

Security fixes