Siren Search

Siren Investigate opens on Siren Search by default. Siren Search is a simple text-based search function to explore your data across all entities of the data model. It displays data in a table with the best matching documents at the top and adjusts to mobile device displays. You can run different searches on separate search tabs and switch between them to compare the results.

Set up dynamic filters to map fields from different data model entities, and search for date ranges and field values. Select records to send to a graph and view in the graph browser.

You can start a search by entering text or activating dynamic filters. It searches the entire data model. This works in the same way as the global search in the Dashboard app.

To get started:

  1. From the navigation menu, click Search.

  2. In the search bar, enter text. The search results appear in a table.

  3. Optional: Click the record viewer button to view more information about a record.

  • To navigate the search’s history, use the left and right arrow buttons. Each tab has it’s own history.

You can use dynamic filters to map the search with a more specific pattern.

To use dynamic filters with Siren Search:

  1. In the upper-left corner, click the filter button.

  2. Configure the dynamic filters. For information about using dynamic filters, see Dynamic filters.

  3. Click Apply filters.

The search is filtered based on the dynamic filters selections.

To close the dynamic filters sidebar, click the filter button. Your search records stay filtered until you remove the filters.

Filtering by selection

You can filter your search results to your selections only.

  1. In the search results, select one or more records.

  2. On the toolbar, click Filter by selection.

  3. Optional: To make all search results reappear, click Filter by selection again.

Bookmarked searches

You can bookmark searches to open later or share with other users.

To view bookmarked searches, in the bottom-right corner, click the Open search button.

  1. In the bottom-right corner, click the Save Search button.

  2. Name the search and click Save.

    Note: If you are working on an already bookmarked search, you can save it as a copy.

  3. Optional: Select Save as private to limit who can see your bookmarked search. Only you, admins, and dataspace owners have access to private searches. Public searches follow access control rules.

  • To save record selections, you must Filter by selection before bookmarking the search.

  • To make it easier to find searches, private bookmarked searches belonging to other users aren’t shown in Open search. To see all the bookmarked searches you have access to, go to Management.

  1. Open a bookmarked search.

  2. In the bottom-right corner, click the Share search button to copy a URL to your clipboard.

  3. Paste the URL into an email or messaging system to share it with others.

  • If the search is private, only the search owner, admins, and dataspace owners can access it.

  • You must save any updates to the bookmarked search before you generate the URL.

Configuring columns

Add and configure columns. Configure the columns' appearance by device type, and how to represent a record based on the associated entity table. A record can be represented by a field value or by a perspective from a template script.

To open column management, in the upper-right corner, click the settings button.

You can select the device types you want Search highlights to appear on.

Adding and configuring columns

  1. Click Add column and name the column.

  2. Select the entity table.

  3. Select the field or a perspective from a template script. Optional: Select different options for mobile devices.

  4. To add more entity tables to a column, click Add entity table.

  5. Repeat the previous steps for each column.

  6. Optional: To reorder the columns, click the left and right buttons.

  7. Click Save.

  • You must be on a desktop to configure the columns.

  • Administrators can restrict a user’s ability to configure Siren Search columns through a saved object ACL rule.

Copying records to My Records

You can select search results and copy them to My Records.

  1. In the upper-right corner, click the graph list button.

  2. Select the records from the Siren Search results.

  3. In the upper-right corner, click Copy selection and select My Records. Note that the records in My Records disappear when you log out.

  • To view the records in My Records or a graph, you can expand them. Click the record to view more information about it.

  • To sort the records, click the sort button and select from Date added and Entity table.

  • You can remove individual records or clear all.

Copying records into a graph

You can copy the records from My Records into a graph.

  1. In the upper-right corner, click the graph list button.

  2. Next to My Records, click the copy button.

  3. Select an existing graph or create a new one.